Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Remembering my Son not of my womb..Trevor Dale Burling !

Trevor Dale Burling Williamson was not of my womb but he was my heart son and he knew it. On May 16 , 2009 it will be a year since he left this world to go live with our heavenly Father, not a day goes by that my heart does not ache for him to be here with us . My life will always be a little less full because he is gone but I will go on and live to honor him !
When David and I met in 2000 I never dreamed of falling in love with him or his children but who could not love all four of them they just steal your heart with their smiles . Trevor was this cute little chubby cheek, blue eyed baby boy that acted a little shy at first. I did not get to see him much that first year but after David and I got married and then after his Grandpa died his Grandma let him start coming around more, finally. It was like we had been together for years , He and Krysta got along I think he liked having a big sister . They grew to love each other just like they were true brother and sister, just like he was with Jordan and Justin too. The bond grew through the years among all of us , even though we all come from different places we had one thing in common we all had become a heart family that loved one another thru the grace of God.
Trevor loved to come over and just hang out with us on the weekends and during the summer. He would call and say " Hey what are you all doing this weekend ? Can I come hang out ? " He would come over and we would be playing cards , or he would be fishing or building a bomb fire with his Dad and then he would fall asleep on the couch before everyone else .
The day Trevor left us was one of the worst days of my life but now after a year I can truly say I will make it one day at a time . I am just so thankful that just before he died he had a talk with his Dad and found out the truth from him that he had always loved him and had never wanted to be out of his life . That was a good talk the two of them had needed to have and it all happened at just the right time , it was in God's time.
There is going to be days when it is going to be hard and I will be making it one moment at a time but I am holding on to the promise that one day I will see him again . I never want anyone to ever say I did not love him or honor his memory because I am living my life to it's fullest . I have three other children , a grandchild and a husband that I must go on living for . God gives us a moment here on Earth to grow and live for Him so that when it is our time to leave this world we have no regrets. Taking time to stop and breathe to experience every moment we have .

I am going to miss our talks and how he would try to hide things from me and then when i called him on it he would say "I will never be able to get away with anything with you !"
I am going to miss watching Trevor and his niece KaDee playing together and hearing him tell her "One day I am going to teach you how to skate !" I will tell her about him always so she will never forget him .
I miss hearing about his friends and what they are doing . It was we are gonna go skate here or we are hanging out at ??'s house . They miss him I know but I pray they live and go on with their lives so that he can live on thru them too .

He was born not of my womb but he was planted in my heart and grew to be one of my babies too !! God take care of him till his "Other Mother" can come home to be with him .

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